Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

This is mine and Derrick's first Halloween together. It was a really laid back night. We made last minute plans with Will and Lindsey to go see Paranormal Activity 3. It was pretty scary! Derrick even jumped a few times and when we got home he said "we are sleeping with the lights on tonight!" It was cute. Lyndsey wanted to dress up and truth be told, I did too. So I pulled something together. Found a cute red dress with white polka dots and I cut it super short. I had contacts from last Halloween and they make my eyes totally white except one black dot in the middle. They're trippy!! I had some stockings and a garter belt that I ordered online a while ago. Nothing planned but it turned out pretty sexy. We didn't have Brielle, which was kind of sad. Derrick really wanted to go Trick-or-Treating with her. We did have a good night though. (: I hope you guys had an amazing Halloween!

Pumpkin Carving

Derrick and I have both been so busy lately. We'd promise each other we would carve pumpkins and we just didn't get around to it until the night before Halloween at 10:00 PM. It was a nice night though. By then Brielle was past out. Derrick and I had some alone time and just enjoyed each other and relaxing.
Well we weren't totally alone, we were watching Top Gear and laughing our asses off. British accents we both giggle at. :p
Lazy days. <3
Derricks scary pumpkin, our lovely pumpkins, and my cute ghosts (:

Now lets get to the good stuff. Pumpkin seeds! Baking the pumpkin seeds after we carve pumpkins has always been a tradition for my family. Well I brought the tradition to Derrick! He loves them but doesn't know how to make them, so he got a lesson.
First: Separate the seeds from all the "gunk" the best you can. I normally put the seeds in a strainer once all the gunk is off. It makes it easier that way.

Second: Spread the seeds out on a pan with tin foil on it. You can then pick out some more of the gunk. Be sure you spread them out as evenly as possible. ( If you like yours more soft and not crunchy, soak them in water for a few hours then do step two )

Third: Keeping these simple is much better than going overboard on seasonings. After there spread out pour some vegetable oil all over them. I drown mine. :p Then just put some salt, pepper, and lemon pepper. Easy!
Fourth: Throw them in the over for ten to twenty minutes depending how crunchy you want them. Pull them out carefully! Throw them in a bowl and enjoy (:


Saturday, October 29, 2011

Boo at the Zoo!

Boo at the Zoo was amazing! With it being fall all of the animals were out and about. It was a little chilly so we were all in long sleeves, but the sun was shining the whole time and a nice breeze blew when needed. Boo at the Zoo was an activity that the zoo put on, you pretty much go trick treating at the zoo. They have zoo keepers that were passing out the good stuff, chocolate, and then there were businesses that were passing out candy too. They were a little stingy. :p Brielle had a blast. Grandma Nathalie bought her a bunch of stuff! She refused to let me buy anything. She said  it was her treat to the both of us. Brielle got an adorable monkey that she would not let go of. Her uncles, Christian, Cheicho, and Steph came with us. It was a wonderful day with a wonderful family. 
Oh and to start off the day, I pulled out the last little bit of Mac I have and I spoiled myself :p

My favorite <3
Thanks for sharing your drink Brielle! :D
We got to feed the giraffes. So much fun. They have long, purple tongues.


Sleepy on the ride home. (:

Friday, October 28, 2011


In our house we've appointed me to buying things for the house. Food, towels, decorations, soap, etc. Which is more than fine. Lately when it comes to food I have absolutely been spoiling Derrick and Brielle with some spectacular foods. Since I'm starting school in a couple of months I'm trying to be the best housewife I can be, which isn't hard. It's actually fun. (: I love to cook for my family, and lately they've really enjoyed my cooking.

Grilled ham and cheese. When I cook the sandwhich I put butter on the bread before I throw it in the pan. I take very thinly slice ham and Chedder Jack cheese. I put chesse on one piece of bread then ham and cheese and ham and cheese. You get the idea. And with the soup I use half milk and half water. Makes it creamy (: I throw some cheese in that and some Cilantro on top.
Derricks words "Oh god, I forgot how much I liked this!" He asked me to make it again this week (:
Brielle inhaled her sandwhich and drank her soup like a big girl (:
Steak and Asparugus.
Derrick normally like to do the grilling ( mostly because I hate being in the cold ) So he seasoned the steaks and grilled them up and I did the asparugus. I throw some olive oil on them. And I love lemony stuff and so does Derrick, so I squeezw some lemon juice on them and I take a cheese grater and just grate a little bit of the peel on them. Also throw some lemon pepper and sea salt on them. I cook them to were they're still crunchy but not raw. We love this! It's not so much Brielle's favorite. :p
 Salmon and freshly picked Green Beans.
There are a ton of Farmers Market where we live. I took a visit to one and it was difficult to find one that had green beans. It's getting so cold so fast and everything is just out of season. But I found one and the couple had a green house where they'd been growing some green beans. I picked a few and took them home. The Salmon was just some frozen kind from Wal-Mart. It's difficult to find fresh fish in utah :p but it turned out way good!
With the green beans I snap off the ends and put them in some boiling water. I squeeze a fresh lemon into the water and once again grate some of the peel. Throw lemon pepper, sea salt, season salt, and bacon bits all in the water. Boil everything together!! The flavor soaks in and it taste amazing. Put a lid and just let it boil twenty minutes. With the Salmon I just kind of bull shitted it and threw some seasonings on it and threw it on the grill. Derrick grilled it up for me and it was amazing!
The point of post is because all of my family has been texting me and getting advice because you guys aren't getting along. You can be grown and out of the house or fifteen and this will help. Grab some food. Take it to your parents, cook it up, turn off the TV, and eat around the table together. It's a great way to bond. Derrick and I love cooking. We love sitting down and just enjoy each others company. So turn off your phones, turn the TV off, and just enjoy each other. (:
After a nice meal, putting the baby to bed, and letting the dogs out Derrick and I love to cuddle. When I came back in from taking the dogs out Derrick was like take a picture with me, it was cute because you could tell he was exhausted and stuffed. But enjoy your family (:

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Brielle the Bee!

Brielle is goint to be a bee for Halloween! We have lots of fun things planned, and one of those things was getting her pictures done for halloween. We went to Kiddie Kandids with her grandma, Nathalie, who is more like a mom to me than both of my own moms. I love the bond we have. But! We took her and after an hour we got some pretty cute photos. She did absolutely wonderful (:

Since Nathalie took us and we had a girls day together we grabbed a quick bite to eat before the mall closed. Brielle was sooo distracted by the carousel. So I had to take her (: She was so cute. The next pictures arent that great of quality because I'm stuck with a stupid Blackberry ( Crackberry as my friends say ) but they're still pretty cute.
Terrible quality. But it was a wonderful day (:
Have a great Halloween guys! Derrick and I are going to a couple of Haunted houses (:

Saturday, October 22, 2011

A day with my Momma

My mom and I aren't the closest. Hell, my family and I aren't close at all. Due to charges that were filed, I'm not the favorite child. But ya'll don't need to know the story. I am just so grateful to be able to see my parents still and have things fairly normal. Brielle and I went for a visit to see her grandma and my mom.
My nephew and his parents live with my parents still. My adorable nephews name is Shawn. He's a cutie. He was there and I actually got to hold him and Brielle actually got to play with him. It was a really fun day. Around 12 we went to salt lake and my mom needed me to drive her Jeep so my dad could have a car when he got done working. I love Jeep's. It's official, I want one. We then went to Shanghai for lunch and headed home (:

Shawn, his mom Aly, and Brielle.
She was pushin, he was fallin and I was catchin. Hahaha
Kids and Jack, I miss that dog (:
I ran home to grab some stuff for Brielle and I found poor Barbie mutilated. She'll never walk again
Shanghai had Pho. Nom nom nom
vroom (:

Monday, October 17, 2011

Pumpkin Hunting!

I wanna start this post off by apologizing. Mostly to my family in Florida. I promised you guys I would try and post every other week. And I've been slackin'. But I have good reasoning!!
I have been fairly sick the past couple of weeks. I was in and out of the hospital for about a week straight. I've never been so sick in my life. I had a severe kidney infection, and it almost got into my blood infection and that could have been fatal. Doctors are still surprised that didn't happen. Now before you guys blow up my phone for not telling you, Derrick took very good care of me and after being poked with 6 needles, and getting 5 shots in my ass, I am well on my way to recovery. (: Brielle stayed with her dad's parents. They took very good care of her. I am doing much better and honestly today is the first day I was able to get ready and take care of her on my own. After a week I can say I am so grateful for the people I have in my life (:
Now that I'm back and alive Derrick decided we needed pumpkins to represent our family. So we went to Jack's Great Pumpkin Patch. It was a lot of fun and a pleasure to watch Brielle explore the new area. She loved it the most. Pointing at everything, pulling Derrick and I everywhere, and trying to pick up the pumpkins. She was tuckered out when we got home. The owners absolutely loved her, they gave her a free spider ring that are normally .25 cents. (;

the pumpkin I picked out (:
This pic is adorable (: I love my family <3
happily ever after (:
She wasn't even  scared  of him (: She told him off, and hit him. Attitude! :D
Our pumpkin family. <3
After pumpkin hunting Derrick wanted to treat Brielle. So we went to Burger Stop, and bought her a giant ice cream cone that she inhaled! She loved it.

Messy face (:
With it being October and all major holidays are dawning, I plan on doing a lot, so keep checkin' up guys! Love you all and grateful to have you in my life. (: