Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Brielle's First Farr's Experience

In Utah there is this amazing ice cream place called Farr Better Ice Cream. It is beyond amazing

I actually went with Brielles' dad and grandparents on his side. We were actually birthday cake shopping for her birthday that's this week! :D
She apparently loves ice cream almost as much as I do. Jon (her dad) and I shared our ice cream with her. He got Cake Batter and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. I got Cake Batter and Peppermint Stick. Brielle ate most of mine.
  But I didn't mind sharing with her (: She means everything to me. She loved the Peppermint Stick which was much better than the Cake Batter. Nathalie is behind us in the middle. That's Brielles' beautiful grandma, she's french so we call her Méme. She's an amazing woman  (:
She apparently got sick of sharing so I just gave her the rest of mine. She's kind of a pig. She ate the whole thing pretty much by herself. Learning to share has been difficult part of being a mom. But I don't mind ((:
My little girl is beyond cute and amazing. (:

This was at the cupcake store for her birthday cupcake(: Yes, her shoes are adorable!! She really wanted her some cupcakes

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