Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First FingerPaint!

Brielle has officially started HeadStart. (:  She had her first fingerpaint!! 

Ben's Cabin for My Birthday!

My 18th birthday was August 27th. Friday, the day before, Benji said we should go up to his cabin for my birthday! I had a tattoo appointment at 5:00 and we decided we'd go right after.
Tatted up baby(;
After this was finished we hurried up to the house, packed, went to Smith's where Derrick bought steak and shrimp for my birthday dinner, and then we were off on our adventure (: It's a four hour drive to the cabin from where we live. That's a really long time for three ADHD people. Jus' sayin'.

Pit Stop! Ben dumping! Uh-OH!
Aweeeee. We were passed the eff out.
Cookin Dinner
Vaccuming cause I can't go to bed with a dirty house!!

 Little Brush Cave. So uncomfortable!

 Derrick tells me how sexy his back is. So I got a pic of it (;

Ben kissin Derrick's fish (;

 Toothbrush Cave. (:
Breakfast before we go (: Cooked by Derrick the CHEF!! :D

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Brielle's Birthday

It has been a year since I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl EVER!! :D
.Putting this party together was an absolute nightmare. I basically wanted to kill myself.. I planned on making finger sandwiches that me and my mom make for every party we have. Well I woke up in the morning, realized I had less than half a loaf of white bread, whole grain instead of Soa bread, and I had no eggs but 60 cupcakes to make in about four hours. Needless to say I sat in the corner and cried for a good hour. But I got my game face on.
Many of my friends showed up. Brielle got wonderful gifts from her grandparents and family. The day was stressful on me but it was exactly how it was supposed to be, my little girl was surrounded by people who love her. Her dad showed up and his wonderful little brothers, Christian and Cheicho, took tons of pictures. Jon and I managed to get along for the whole party and even get close enough to take pictures together. (:

Our almost family

There is absolutely nothing beetter than a giant cupcake all to yourself for your first birthday. Red Velvet covered in cream cheese frosting with a half broken candle, happy birthday lettering, and little glittery trees. (:
She enjoyed it very much. Maybe she didn't eat it all, but mommy and Jon enjoyed what Brielle couldn't finish.

I know a lot of people say they made a beautiful baby, but I think mine is the most beautiful little girl. Her sky blue eyes that make people stop in their tracks twice to take a second glass, her adorable giggle that lights up the whole room, and her innocence that keeps me motivated.


l love my little girl with everything I have. Without her I'd be lost and empty. When I decided I was going to parent instead of place her for adoption, I promised myself I'd raise her better than my mother raised me. I swore I'd provide for her. I've sacraficed so much to keep her safe and although I don't have much to give, everything I get goes to my beautiful little girl.
Brielle, mommy loves you. Forever and always. There will never come a day that I will stop trying to give you the best.
Anyways, Back to the party.

Everything was provided and prepared by yours truly! Tons of cupcakes, many random drinks, finger sandwhiches, and fresh fruit and veggies! It was yummy (:
Brielle has many friends and people who came to support her. She got many many presents. (:
spoiled little girl <3
Derrick got off work early just for us, he was so helpful

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Brielle's First Farr's Experience

In Utah there is this amazing ice cream place called Farr Better Ice Cream. It is beyond amazing

I actually went with Brielles' dad and grandparents on his side. We were actually birthday cake shopping for her birthday that's this week! :D
She apparently loves ice cream almost as much as I do. Jon (her dad) and I shared our ice cream with her. He got Cake Batter and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. I got Cake Batter and Peppermint Stick. Brielle ate most of mine.
  But I didn't mind sharing with her (: She means everything to me. She loved the Peppermint Stick which was much better than the Cake Batter. Nathalie is behind us in the middle. That's Brielles' beautiful grandma, she's french so we call her Méme. She's an amazing woman  (:
She apparently got sick of sharing so I just gave her the rest of mine. She's kind of a pig. She ate the whole thing pretty much by herself. Learning to share has been difficult part of being a mom. But I don't mind ((:
My little girl is beyond cute and amazing. (:

This was at the cupcake store for her birthday cupcake(: Yes, her shoes are adorable!! She really wanted her some cupcakes