Saturday, July 30, 2011

All this for a spicy McChicken?

No bueno :/
Today I woke up and Brielles' dad came and got her. I didn't really feel like sitting at the house alone. So I went to Ben's house while he was at work and played call of duty all day. ( Yes, I ignored my duties as a house wife )
 Ben gets home and says he needs to get a part for his car and I haven't eaten all day. So I decide to go with him and get some Spicy McChickens from Mcdonalds.
First stop: McDonalds, we get two spicy's. We head across the street and I sit in the car waiting for Ben. As I'm sitting there the car started to idle really rough. So I shut it off. Ben comes out, I tell him what happened, we pull out of the parking lot and start to leave. The car starts freakin' out! We get on the main street, turn into a neigboorhood. The car dies. We aren't that far so we walk back to Checker Auto Parts.

We were reduced to drinking Pepsi. Bleh

No power steering and I haave to steer??
 But I guess me having to steer isn't as bad as Ben having to push his car
                I gave Derrick a call and luckily he was off work like ten minutes early, Which meant he could come help us. So Ben pushes and a guy ends up stopping and helping us, he was nice to look at (; and we got to checker which was only a block and a half, but i was pretty sure my arms were going to fall off. Ben went inside to make sure he could leave his car there. I swear two minutes later I heard that straight piped Subaru and I was beyon ecstatic. Ben was still inside and Derrick, being the master tech he is, tried to figure out what happened. Ben thought it was ignition module, but Derrick said it was the distributor. Either way it wasn't going anywhere.

My knight in shining armor who apparently doesn't know how to take pictures. (:
Later when we got home Derrick did some research and come to find out Ben's ignition module is built in the distributor, so he gets to spend a pretty penny to fix it (: During this whole escapade I decided I should just walk to the McDonalds up the street when I want Hot and Spicy sandwhiches, instead of running errands with Ben. Sorry Ben (:

McDonalds will be the death of us all.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Burnin' our past!

Alright, So I live across the street from my best friend Benjamin Jones ( Benji )
On July 16th Benji had a brilliant idea that we should burn the bad things from our past.
Pictures of ex girlfriends/boyfriends, old love notes, and bad things we used to do.
So we got a barrel, gathered our shit, threw it in, poured some gas on it, and lit it up.
A little bit of gasoline (: I love how he has gloves on. Like thats going to help.
Kerosene?Hmmmm, what's this do ? (:
Guess we will find out
burn!! :D
The best friend and I (:

Bens pretty bamf.

Two thumbs up (:


Phahahahha (:

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My life

Hey all! My name is Summer Young. Born August 27, 1993 in Dallas, Texas. That make me seventeen workin on eighteen
I'm out on my own with my little girl, Brielle Marie Young. She was born August 4th, 2010
She is now almost a year old. This was my favorite picture after she was born. (:
Brielle and I are living with the man of my dreams, Derrick Lopez. He means the world to me.

Derrick and I have been together since April 16, 2011. We were together before then but that was the date Brielle and I officially moved in.
I may be young, I may be dirt poor, but I'm in love with the man I'm going to marry, I love my little girl who has forever changed my life, and I will always find a way to give her the best.
So I hope y'all enjoy following me throughout this crazy thing we call life as I try to figure out who I am and who I want to be.