Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas Eve!

As a lot of you know I do have to share Brielle. It's not fun especially around holidays. Chirstmas was her fathers this year so I got her Christmas Eve. Boy oh boy did we have fun!

We started the morning at the apartment. Which I debated putting our "beautiful decor" up for the holidays and I am really glad we did. We woke up around 7 a.m. ISH. (Joys of a three year old on what she thinks is Christmas morning) She tore apart those presents so fast and was so excited! What made me most proud is when she said thank you after every gift. Doin' somethin' right!!
Just an FYI I could not get my camera to turn on so these were all taken with my wonderful iPhone4. Like a boss. 

I don't want to over load you so moving on!

We do Chirstmas at my Grandmas every year and she made a special exception and moved her party to Christmas Eve so Brielle and I could both be there. It was so much fun!!!
I did manage to get my camera to work half way during grandmas party

 This picture^^^ So precious. 

 I took 4 takes at this because I thought Ethan was picking his nose. 

 Andddd my parents got Brielle a 500 dollar rabbit fur coat. Rolled my eyes a bit but after using it as a pillow I'm a tad jealous. 

 These two kids <3

This picture as well. We look so happy. I am so excited for our wedding! 
 Oh! My diamond earrings! 
Story time! Once upon a time my adopted parents gave me a pair of diamond earrings (before they had adopted me) and then my biological mother sold them for drug money! Then when I moved in with my adopted parents they bought me another pair. Guess who came for a visit and stole them, again! How nice of her. These are my babies. And they mean so much more to me than just a pair of earrings. Best Christmas ever!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Oreo Diabetic Cake

That's enough for shouty disclaimers. This was my desert I made for our Thanksgiving. I kept calling it Oreo Diabetic Cake and everyone kept asking why I'd make a cake for diabetics when no one is diabetic. My answer... It is so damn sweet you'll get cancer!! 
All you need is:
2 packs of Oreo's
2 tubs of whip cream
a cup of milk
Chocolate Syrup

Easiest thing you will ever do is make this desert. Dip your Oreo's in milk and line the bottom of a 9x13 pan. 
Using your fingers will break the cookie. Jamming the fork will break the cookie. Trying to wiggle the fork in will break the damn cookie. This was the worst part of the whole thing. 
Being delicate frustrates me.
Next take your first tub of whip cream. Using a plastic spatula spread it around
If you push down ( Just a little bit ) some of the Oreo will break off and make the whip cream really delicious.
Now soak more Oreo's and smear more whip cream. Second layer done. 
Let chill for a good half hour and then cut out a piece and drizzle some chocolate over top of it! 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Stuffed Jalapenos

For Thanksgiving I made stuff Jalapenos. These are a favorite of everyone! 

What you'll need:
4-8 Jalapenos (depending how many people you are feeding)
A little bit of cream cheese
Shredded cheese (we always like sharp cheddar) 

Preheat over to about 350
Start by cutting your Jalapenos in half long ways.
Then clean the seeds out! Try to scrape them out with a spoon. If you use your nails the seeds will burn your fingers for days. No joke. It hurts.. 
Next spread cream cheese inside of them with a butter knife.
Very lightly sprinkle the cheese on top. Wrap in bacon. I do use toothpicks but it still works without (I tried)
Throw in the oven for about 15-20 minutes. 
So easy and they have been a hit every single time I make them. No one ever believes they are that easy. 
Try them and tell me what you think! 

Friday, November 29, 2013


Thanksgiving already? Wow! What a great day. I'm so thankful to have Ethan around. I am so secure with myself around the holidays now. He truly does complete me. We spent this thanksgiving with my beautiful parents. I made an appetizer and a desert which I will post later, stay tuned!

I seriously could not have had a better time than I did. Everyone was so happy and relaxed. The aroma of all the food just made me smile. The game was on, my mom and I were in the kitchen, and kids were running and giggling non stop. It was just.... PERFECT.

 They are so cute! 

 Her face is priceless. 
 Stuffed mushrooms!

Friday, November 22, 2013

This Makes Number 8

This tattoo has more meaning than any of them.
I'm having a few problems health wise and I'm really stressed about it. Without going into depth I'll just briefly say Monday I'm going in for a slight procedure and if that doesn't fix it I go in Friday for a serious surgery. I am terrified and stressing. To relieve the stress I figured a trip to Frankies would do me some good. So I got the tattoo that I have debated about since I first started getting tattooed. With everything going wrong and difficult in life I can always count on a tattoo to just distract me for a while. So here is tattoo number 8.
( See my puncture hole? I've had so much blood taken it's not even funny )
BTW, getting tattooed after you've had blood drawn for the last three days is really painful because you are bruised underneath. 
 "There is no love without the Knowledge of pain."
The meaning behind this goes so far back that I don't really want to go into it too much, so just know that this is a scar cover up tattoo. This tattoo is for my biological mother who has caused so much damage in my life. The skull represents her and how I feel about her. The yellow roses were her favorite and they are wilting away. I wouldn't be the strong woman I am today if she hadn't been the way she was. I'd also probably be a normal person without the issues I have if I'd grown up with my adoptive family.
That's a little insight on my life.
And I am so thankful for Dave at Frankie's. The fact that I can tell you my feelings for her and just a basic skull with roses and then you come out with this just amazes me. He portrayed the feeling perfectly.
If you ever read this, or if you ever find me I want you to know, after everything you put me through I just wait for the day I hear of a methhead in SLC who passed away. One who gave up on two of her kids and kept the middle one for her own fucking selfish reasons. I hope you rot. At the same time thank you, the abuse, the hurt, the prostitution, and the drugs has taught me how to survive. That's exactly what I am, a survivor.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

DIY Glitter Cups!

With us preparing to move I've been doing everything I can to prepare and have places for everything. My bathroom is the most disorganized room in our apartment. It's my fault. I'll admit it, I have a problem with smelly good things. There is my confession. So most of the drawers and cabinets are filled with yummy lotions, sprays, soaps and things like that. I don't have a lot of room for make up stuff in my bathroom. I came up with a simple solution! Make a cup to put my brushes in so I'm not losing them in a drawer of lotions. Also decided to make one for ponytails, bobby pins, and barrettes so I don't have to dig every morning.
Cute right? I originally saw this on Pinterest, here.
But her way didn't work for me! ): ( which is why the purple one looks like crap. )
Here's what you will need: 
Mod Podge, Brushes, glitter of your choice, a bowl with cling wrap lined in it, and some simple jars from the dollar store or walmart had some for 67 cents! 
I used a mason jar from Brielle's birthday party.
Next pour some ModPodge in your bowl and dump some glitter on it. Like alot.
Stir it up!
Swirl it around the jar.
I just let this one dry and it didn't turn out but my others one I sprinkled more glitter in the jar and it got way more coverage!
The purple one was used for my makeup brushes. The silver one is for my bobbypins and the blue and silver ( my favorite ) is in my room just to be cute :p

I love these! super easy and super cheap!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What's in the Package??

I can't even tell you how excited I am to finally have this arrive at my parents door!
( I can't have things sent to my house because they get stolen off my front porch ): sad, I know)
I love Etsy. Always have. I ordered an adorable bracelet and it only took 4 days to get here!
I ordered it from Candy Couture Shop on Etsy, which is one of my favorites.
I seriously want to buy one of each color. 
It even came in a hot pink envelope. How special. ( I'm seriously over excited. ) 

I really wish I had a picture of it on but I just didn't have time. This really is a beautiful piece and it's so simple! 
Get ready for a DIY tomorrow (;